Interesting Things
An open space to include notes, links, ideas, thoughts, anything really... 🚀
Note: this page is very outdated
Some things I have dug up going through my gdrive that are fun (for class, pleasure, and to figure out how the heck things work):
About BCIs and how progress in computer chip nano fab processes made today's invasive probes possible. Also, a timeline of iconic probes.
3D printing on the moon - not as sci-fi as you might think
a brief history of AR (note: before I interned at Apple)
education and what happened to play (the necessary part of learning)
there was a time when my 18 year old self was really into flying cars and space travel and tried condensing everything into one doc. Needless to say, my passion remains but the docs are outdated (we love progress!)
My Values:
Awe, Curiosity, Vision, Impact, Intrepidness
Questions that fascinate me:
Can we grow buildings?
What can bacteria do for us?
How can we enhance our cognition with technology (what is the best way of becoming cyborgs)? Future of BCIs?
Why can't all architecture be unique, iconic, colorful, beautiful?
How should the metaverse be structured to avoid escapism?
Can hydroponic farming feed the human population in a sustainable way?
How can we create a better social network?
How do we get more humanities minded people interacting with technologists?
What does an entrepreneurial culture even mean? How can we make a unique culture that blends the thoughtfulness of the liberal arts with the hustle of silicon valley?
What will replace the smartphone?
What is the future we want to design?
Some People that Inspire Me:
J.C.R Licklider
Man-Computer Symbiosis, drove early CS progress that led to the internet​
Douglas Engelbart​​​
A different view of computing - how can this tool augment our intelligence?​
MIT Media Lab Professors​
Experimenting with some of the most unique ideas about the future
love Neri Oxman's and Pattie Maes' labs!
Many architects!​
Many people I meet in daily life! Peers, co-workers, friends, etc
and many more I will add on later on...​
Good Papers/Articles: